Wednesday, December 16, 2009

1939 Marital Rating Scale

So, I found this HERE. I thought it was pretty funny.

Marital Rating Scale
Wife’s Chart
George W. Crane, Ph. D., M.D.
(Copyright 1939)
In computing the score, check the various items under DEMERITS which fit the wife, and add the total. Each item counts one point unless specifically weighted as in the parentheses. Then check the items under MERITS which apply; now subtract the DEMERIT score from the MERIT score. The result is the wife’s raw score. Interpret it according to this table:
Raw Scores Interpretation
0-24……………Very Poor
76 and up……….Very Superior

1. Slow in coming to bed — delays till husband is almost asleep.
2. Doesn’t like children. (5)
3. Fails to sew on buttons or darn socks regularly.
4. Wears soiled or ragged dresses and aprons around the house.
5. Wears red nail polish.
6. Often late for appointments. (5)
7. Seams in hose often crooked.
8. Goes to bed with curlers on her hair or much face cream.
9. Puts her cold feet on husband at night to warm them.
10. Is a backseat driver.
11. Flirts with other men at parties or restaurants. (5)
12. Is suspicious and jealous. (5)
13. Uses slang or profanity. (5)
14. Smokes, drinks, gambles, or uses dope. (5)
15. Talks about former boy friends or first husband.
16. Squeezes tooth paste at the top.
17. Reminds husband it is her money they are living on. (5)
18. Tells family affairs to casual acquaintances, too talkative.
19. A chronic borrower–doesn’t keep stocked up.
20. Slows up card game with chatter and gossip.
21. Opens husband’s personal mail.
22. Frequently exceeds her allowance or family budget. (5)
23. Eats onions, radishes, or garlic before a date or going to bed.
24. Tells risque or vulgar stories. (5)
25. Wears pajamas while cooking.
26. Talks during movie, play or concert.
27. Is more than 15 pounds overweight.
28. Often whining or complaining.
29. Discourteous to sales clerks and hired help.
30. Shoulder straps hang over arms or slip is uneven and shows.
31. Fails to wash top of milk bottle before opening it.
32. Corrects husband’s speech or actions before others. (5)
33. Saves punishment of children for father at night. (5)
34. Serves dinner but fails to sit down till meal is half over–then wants husband to wait for her.
35. Wears pajamas instead of nightgown.
36. Fails to bathe or brush teeth often enough. (5)
37. Puts stockings to soak in wash basin.
38. Serves too much from tin cans or the delicatessen store.
39. Visits mother too often–a spoiled child.
40. Is snobbish or too much concerned in “keeping up with the Jones.”
41. Dislikes husband’s hobbies as fishing, baseball, etc.
42. Tells lies–not dependable. (5)
43. Doesn’t want to get up to prepare breakfast.
44. Insists on driving the car when husband is along.
45. Smokes in bed or has cigarette stained fingers.
46. Cries, sulks or pouts too much.
47. Makes evening engagements without consulting her husband.
48. Talks too long on the phone.
49. Is a gossip.
50. Walks around house in stocking feet.

1. A good hostess–even to unexpected guests.
2. Has meals on time.
3. Can carry on an interesting conversation.
4. Can play a musical instrument, as piano, violin, etc.
5. Dresses for breakfast.
6. Neat housekeeper–tidy and clean.
7. Personally puts children to bed.
8. Never goes to bed angry, always makes up first. (5)
9. Asks husband’s opinions regarding important decisions and purchases.
10. Good sense of humor–jolly and gay.
11. Religious–sends children to church or Sunday school and goes herself.
12. Lets husband sleep late on Sunday and holidays.
13. Encourages thrifty–economical. (5)
14. Laughs at husband’s jokes and his clowning.
15. Ambitious for her family–urges higher attainment.
16. Belongs to parent-teacher club, or child study group.
17. A good cook–serves balanced meals. (5)
18. Tries to become acquainted with husband’s business or trade.
19. Greets husband at night with a smile.
20. Has a pleasant disposition in the morning–not crabby.
21. Keeps snacks in refrigerator for late eating.
22. Likes educational and cultural things.
23. Reacts with pleasure and delight to marital congress. (10)
24. Faithful and true to husband. (10)
25. Has pleasant voice–not strident.
26. Has spunk–will defend her ideals and religion.
27. Praises husband in public.
28. Writes often and lovingly when away from husband.
29. Writes to husband’s parents regularly.
30. Willing to assist husband at office or shop.
31. Sympathetic–likes children and unfortunates. (5)
32. Keeps hair neatly combed or shampooed and waved.
33. Often comments on husband’s strength and masculinity.
34. Good seamstress–can make her own clothes or the children’s clothes.
35. Gives husband shampoo or manicure.
36. Keeps husband’s clothes clean and presses.
37. Bravely carries on during financial depression.
38. Healthy or courageous and uncomplaining.
39. Keeps self dainty, perfumed and feminine.
40. Is of same religion as her husband. (5)
41. Has minor children to care for. (5 points per child)
42. On friendly terms with neighbors.
43. Fair and just in settling the children’s quarrels with others.
44. Likes to vacation with husband.
45. An active member of some women’s organization.
46. Often tells husband she loves him. (5)
47. Polite and mannerly even when alone with husband.
48. Willing to get a job to help support the home.
49. Praises marriage before young women contemplating it.
50. Is unselfish and kind-hearted.

This test represents the composite opinions of 600 husbands who were asked to list chief merits and demerits of their wives. They talked frankly. I have summarized the most frequently voiced flaws and virtues and have weighted those items which, in my judgment as a psychologist and physician, are especially important in marriage. I commend this test to the attention of all intelligent women who aspire to make their marriages both permanent and happy. Young women contemplating matrimony might very profitably use this test as a practical guide.
Dr George W. Crane

So, wives, where do you stand? Please let me know what you think about the standards of housewifery (is that a word?) then and now. Do we have it easier, harder?

Monday, December 14, 2009

Meeting Santa

Saturday was my office's Kids Christmas Party. I am so lucky to work for a company who takes care of their employees the was that Founders Title does. Not only do we have the regular Christmas Party, but they make a special day with cookie decorating and treats and they have Santa and Mrs. Claus come and visit for the kids. How cool is that? Shawn decided to stay at home since we can't leave the puppy alone for too long, so my in laws met us at the office. Deb helped Kirra decorate a cookie for everyone and Steve kept Collin entertained.

10 am and Santa is here. Steve puts Kirra on his shoulders so she can see over everyone and it's Collin's turn on Santa's lap. I walk him up and hand him over and he just sits there staring at this strange man. Doesn't cry, doesn't fuss. Take the picture and he's looking happy as can be.

I take him back by the grandparents while we wait for Kirra's turn. Deb says that Kirra just sat there "Oh, look it's my Collin, look Grandma it's my Collin being so good!"

Now on to Kirra's turn, I carry her up 'cause there are so many people I don't want her to get lost, she sees Santa, she tenses up, she starts to tear up when she realizes that I am going to put her in this strange man's lap. I promise her that I am not going to just leave her there with him. I put her on his lap and have to keep my hands on her the whole time. She's trying really hard not to cry, but she wont look at him and when he asks what she wants for Christmas, she wont speak. Take the picture and she's all red faced looking ready to bolt.

Back to the Grandparents and she's back to her normal self. She said that his beard scared her. But the whole way home she chatted up what a great time she had and that Santa was really nice.

The pictures were taken with a Poloried Camera, so hopefully soon I will scan the pictures in of the kids meeting Santa.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Christmas Spirit

Okay, so I was having an email conversation with a friend of mine who has older children that are starting to question the existence of Santa Claus. She was thinking that maybe she should start emphasizing the importance of the Christmas Spirit instead of Santa and the presents. So me and my smart mouth came up with this:

"Well, if we want to take Santa into account, he can be the perfect example of giving. Here is a man that has to take care of a wife, who knows how many elves and 9 reindeer. Yet he still finds time to make toys and deliver them to every child in the world. All for nothing and doesn't expect anything in return. So, while we might not want to focus on the toys, at least we can use him for an example of selfless giving."

I so just made it up, but it makes sense. We all want to teach our children that it is better to give than to receive, but how do you start the conversation, especially if you have small kids who still believe?

What are your thoughts?

Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Okay, so I was going back thru all my old posts, tagging everything so it would be organized and I realized that I really suck at this posting thing. Thanks to all who have stuck by my side as I muddled my way thru the past two years.

So, best news first. Shawn has finished the semester and if all goes according to plan, he will graduate with a Bachelors in Criminal Justice next December! The end is in site!

Thanksgiving was spent a little differently. Due to scheduling difficulties on my part, we were not able to spend it together. The kids and I flew to my parents house while Shawn stayed home with his family. I forgot the camera, so as soon as I can get my parents and my sister to send me pictures I will post them. We got their a couple of days before everyone else, so the kids got some great time alone with their grandparents. Kirra has decided that she is going to marry Grandpa B because he's such a good husband to Grandma B "'cause he gives her lots of sparkles and I like sparkles."

The kids were able to meet their cousins for the first time since my older sister and her family drove up. Their oldest is Magnolia (7), Donovan (2), Juniper (9 mo.). Kirra and Magnolia hit it off right away and the only time we could get them to leave eachother alone was at bed time. Since Juniper and Collin are only two months apart, they played really well together until Juniper decided that she wanted Collin's Binky (which was usually in his mouth), then he would get mad and wander away. Poor Donovan went between the two groups. He would try to hang out with the older girls, but when they were sick of him, he would come and play with the babies.

At the first of November, our beloved dog Andrew passed away. This was really hard on us, since we had had him for so long. I bought him for Shawn for our First Anniversary, and he has been a wonderful addition to our family. He was a wonderful protector and cuddler.

Since Andy was the only dog that Kirra has had, she took his death really hard. It still makes her tear up when she talks about him dying, so now she has come up with a way to deal with his death. She has decided that he just faded away. She will tell people that her Andrew was old and he just faded away. Since we feel that it is necessary for all children to have a pet, we got another dog less than a week after his passing. THIS WAS NOT MY IDEA. I wanted to wait and greave, but Shawn and Kirra were lost without a dog.

So, meet Toby.

I found him on the KSL ads. He was with a family in American Fork, who due to health issues couldn't take care of him. He's 6 months old and 60 lbs. already. He is one of the most cuddly dogs I have ever met and he really doesn't act like a puppy (to much of the time!).

Okay, I think that's enough for this post.

Collin's Birthday

Monday was Collin's Birthday. I can't believe that it's been a year already. It always amazes me how much they change.

Here is Collin the day he was born.

All ready for his blessing.

His First Haircut.

Digging into his First Birthday Cake.

All nice and clean and ready for bed.

Happy Birthday Little Man! We love you and can't imagine our lives without you!